Simul with Iowa’s 2016 National Masters
James Neal and Joseph Wan both earned the title of National Master this year, and we are celebrating with a simul at noon on Saturday,...
Anish Lodh wins Illinois Reserve
Anish Lodh won the Reserve section at the Illinois Open yesterday. He won outright with 5.5 points, and I believe collected $900 in the...
Roger Gotschall - Interment
We are burying Roger Gotschall's ashes September 17 in Graceland cemetery in Blencoe at 11 am with lunch to follow afterwards. If you...
Congrats to NM James Neal!
This past Iowa Open was probably the strongest Iowa has ever had. With the participation of IM Sean Nagle, GM Alex Yermolinsky, IM Angelo...
Iowans at the US Open - Part 3
Several Iowans and former Iowans competed in the 2016 US Open in Indianapolis, Indiana. Here is part 3 of their games, photos, and...
Iowans at the US Open - Part 2
Several Iowans and former Iowans competed in the 2016 US Open in Indianapolis, Indiana. Here is part 2 of their games, photos, and...