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US Chess Executive Board Elections

I have been asked by members of Iowa's Chess Community who I support in this years US Chess Executive Board Election.

1. David Hater. I cannot recommend this man enough. I have worked with him at many National Chess Events. The most memorable being the Jr. High Nationals in Atlanta where David was faced with a major cheating scandal that rocked the chess world. David kept composure and stuck to the facts at hand and made the best decision possible. I do not think everyone was happy with the outcome, but I feel the decision was fair. During the event an investigation was started and later finished. With David's leadership we were able to avoid a scene similar to what happened in Dallas a few year before where people were booing the kids on stage at the awards ceremony.

Also when I was running the Twin Ports Open in Superior Wisconsin I had a FIDE question and called David for help, he was able to assist and helped me work through the issue.

2. David Day. I have interacted with David at committee meetings at US Chess during the US Open and at the Delegates meeting. I was embarrassed and impressed as the second time (a year later) I met him he remembered my name and I forgot his. He is the president of the Utah Chess Association and we see eye to eye on many subjects involving chess. I feel he represents small states at US Chess and having him on the executive board would serve Iowa's interests well.

3. Fun Fong, is a tireless worker. I first met him while at a National Chess Event where we were both TD's. It was a pleasure to stand side by side and get the job done. He was very helpful.

Generally these three candidates are the best in my view for US Chess. One thing I truly stand for is fiscal responsibility. A few years back US Chess was in Crisis with the Truong Lawsuit. The events that happened were before I was involved with US Chess on a national level. I am not making a judgement on who was right or wrong, the courts did that. But! what did happen was US Chess was in the red over $100,000 and took a loan from Bill Goichberg to keep the organization afloat. Since then US Chess has run a surplus and in recent years people have wanted to spend that surplus. Allen Priest and other on the board fought to keep a rainy day fund on hand and their views prevailed.

Folks today is that rainy day. And I thank the executive board for having the foresight to do as Joseph did in the days of feast and famine in Egypt (ok I am tossing in a little biblical reference). Other candidates running for election this year have not shown me the wisdom for which we need to have US Chess run smoothly

I will post this on our Facebook page. Other board members have expressed the desire to add their 2 cents. And we can have a dialogue on chess ideas.

We in Iowa have a place in the election. In order to get a vote you have to request a ballot. Historically Iowans have asked for a vote and voted. If you did not request a ballot which is eligble for any US Chess Member over the age of 16, please request one for next years election. I will remember to put out a notice for members to request one. Let us have our voice be heard.

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