IASCA to Host TD Workshop
IASCA will be hosting a TD Workshop on Friday, September, 9, from 1 to 4 pm at the Iowa State Memorial Union's Campanile Room (2229 Lincoln Way, Ames, IA 50011). This workshop is the afternoon prior to the Iowa Open, Reserve, and RBO. The workshop is free and a complimentary lunch will be offered at noon. We do ask that you register online so that we may provide training materials in advance and to get a headcount for lunch.
This workshop will be presented by Iowa Senior and National Tournament Directors. It is intended for people interested in becoming a TD or already USCF Club or Local TD.
September 2, 2022
1 pm - 4 pm, Lunch is served at noon
ISU Memorial Union
Campanile Room
US Chess Website Tools
US Chess Online Rulebook
TD Resource Page
The Role of the Affiliate
Email Blasts
Authorized TDs
Tournament Rating Reports
Rating Supplements
Processing US Chess Memberships
Tournament Pairing Software (WinTD)
Setting up the Tournament
Installing the Rating Supplement
Importing the WinTD File
Tournament Reports
Making the US Chess Rating Report
Following completion of the class, participants will be offered the opportunity to work with the TD staff of the Iowa Open. and potential future tournaments. Participants will also be offered a discount rate on WinTD, the Tournament Pairing Software that will be used in the class.
Please contact James Hodina at james.hodina@chessiniowa.org with any questions.