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Missing En Passants

The following is a message from IASCA president Tim McEntee:

Mark Capron and Cub Noble have compiled a list of missing En Passants.  Mitch Weiss had several missing copies.  The following are still missing.  The year is followed by which quarters are missing.  If you have any of these, send a note to Tim McEntee at  We will be putting all these on the new web site which should be available at beginning of 2025

1970 - 1, 3, 4

1971 - 2

1972 - 1

1973 - 1, 2 

1974 - 1, 2

1975 - 1, 2, 3, 4

1976 - 1, 2, 3, 4

1977 - 1, 2, 3

1978 - 1, 2

1979 - 1

1980 - 2

1981 - 4

1982 - 4

1984 - 1



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