Iowa State Chess Association
Website History and Webmaster Guidelines
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The first Iowa State Chess Association website was created at www.iowachess.org by John Salerno in 2002.
By August 2003, Matt Nemmers had created our second web design, and his original website regulations were established, boasting of over 12,000 hits. Editorials, games of the week, polls, and a forum were added. The current IASCA logo was chosen after members voted for it in an online poll.
Nemmers served until he was transferred out-of-state by the U.S. Navy. In April 2005, he was succeeded for about one month by Dave Wolz.
By May 2005, Rusty Davis was the new webmaster. He continued to serve until the end of 2014, re-designing the site in 2005, 2007, and 2010.
All of the work on the site was performed gratuitously, and after the website was switched from its original host, Globoforce, webmasters provided the hosting and domain name free of charge.
When Mr. Davis decided to retire from his work on the IASCA website, Rex Gray took up the baton. He hard-coded an entire new website, which was published at our current domain name, www.iowa-chess.org, in January 2015. Mr. Gray continued the precedent set by Mr. Davis and others, generously covering hosting and domain fees.
Click through the images above to see previous website formats, courtesy of the Wayback Machine.

Mr. & Mrs. Matt Nemmers

Rusty Davis

Rex Gray
In April 2016, Mr. Gray retired as webmaster after ensuring a smooth transition to a re-designed website constructed by Bethany Carson using the Wix platform. As of fiscal year 2017, website expenses will again be included in the IASCA budget.
This website includes features for membership fees to be paid online and online registration for tournaments.
A revision of the website rules, or guidelines, was deemed necessary by Mr. Gray and Miss Carson, and was approved by the Board.

Bethany Carson
Assistant webmaster Daniel Carson worked with his sister, Bethany Carson, to maintain the IASCA website until she retired from service as webmaster in May 2020.
Upon Carson's retirement, Mike Volz was appointed webmaster.
In 2024, Mike Volz stepped down from the role of webmaster, and Ben Bratz was appointed by president Tim McEntee as webmaster.

Daniel Carson
Webmaster Responsibilities
The following are the duties and responsibilities of the IASCA Webmaster. The Webmaster will:
a) Update the website with all content relevant to Iowa Chess accurately and in a timely manner. This includes, but is not limited to:
Tournament Life Announcements (TLAs);
Tournament results and cross tables;
News for and about Iowa chess players.
b) Collaborate with the En Passant editor to ensure the newsletter is published online in a pleasing format.
c) Publish all official announcements from the IASCA Board of Directors as soon as approved and released.
d) Monitor server downtime to ensure the website is accessible.
e) Ensure all fees relating to the website are paid promptly and in full by the IASCA (in collaboration with the Treasurer).
f) Answer all inquiries to and about the website.
g) Appoint assistant webmaster(s) if desired.
In the event of the webmaster becoming unable to continue administration of the site, one previously appointed assistant should be capable of seamlessly administering the site in the interim before a new webmaster is appointed.
h) Have creative license to add, modify, and delete both the appearance of www.iowa-chess.org and the content published therein. This shall include, but not be limited to:
Writing and releasing short press releases concerning news relevant to Iowa Chess and/or about IASCA members.
Adding online polls to gain feedback from IASCA members on topics relevant to Iowa Chess.
Reviewing all submissions received, both from IASCA members and other sources, with authority to publish, reject, or recommend revision of any content submitted. Acceptance or rejection shall be based on the best interest of Iowa Chess.
Guidelines for Submissions
The IASCA website exists to provide chess information and entertainment for its members; therefore, it is imperative that the content contained in it is accurate and constantly updated. The IASCA Board of Directors wants to make this site one that people visit often, but in order to keep it updated with fresh content, the Webmaster will need help from the IASCA membership in the form of submissions. The following outlines the procedures to follow when submitting content for the various sections of the website:
a) Tournaments: Tournaments within the state of Iowa submitted for inclusion on this website must first pass through the Iowa Tournament Clearinghouse Manager. Once cleared, any tournament scheduled to take place in the state of Iowa and/or any tournament being organized by a club that is an IASCA affiliate (no matter where the actual tournament site will be) has the right to a TLA published on the IASCA website. Regional tournaments may be included from time to time at the Webmaster's discretion.
b) News: This section is dedicated to announcements for and about IASCA business, tournaments, and members. Anyone may submit any chess-related news for consideration. If, in the opinion of the webmaster, the submission would be of interest to the IASCA membership, the submission will be included on the IASCA website. This includes, but is not limited to, official announcements from the IASCA Board of Directors to the membership, tournament synopses, obituaries of Iowa players, announcements from Iowa clubs, and news about Iowa players (whether chess-related or otherwise). To preserve journalistic integrity, all materials published in this section will be subject to verification.
f) Editorials: Editorials are currently integrated with the News. Players are encouraged to share their chess-related essays, opinions, and articles. Editorials must be original, clean, and suitable for all ages.
g) Links: Players may submit chess websites and blogs for consideration by the webmaster for our links page.
Although advertising was originally intended as a feature of the IASCA website, there is little evidence of ad space being frequently sold. If any particularly relevant & profitable advertisements are submitted, at the webmaster's discretion, they may be forwarded to the IASCA Board for consideration.
The IASCA Webmaster is charged with doing his/her utmost to ensure that the IASCA website is the most frequently updated, accurate, entertaining, and useful state chess association website in the nation.
Questions or comments may be directed to iowachessassociation@gmail.com
Photo Credits: Mr. & Mrs. Nemmers, courtesy of Matt Nemmers. Rusty Davis from his LinkedIn page. Rex Gray photo by Cub Noble; used with permission.